Sunday, October 23, 2011

RIP Marco Simoncelli :(

Pembalap MotoGP, Marco Simoncelli akhirnya meninggal dunia setelah kecelakaan di sirkuit Sepang, Malaysia. Kecelakaan tersebut melibatkan Collin Edwards dan Valentino Rossi. Collin Edwards menderita gegar otak ringan.
Berikut adalah link tayangan keadaan terakhir simoncelli :

My deepest condolence goes to Marco's family, friends,etc. RIP Marco Simoncelli, thank's for your dedication on MotoGP. May God bless you. Love you, hero.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Dirgahayu ke- 66 Indonesia!

Woohoo! Indonesia merayakan hari jadinya yang ke 66 hari ini *eyak udah tua juga ya negara kita ini hmmm................. Ngomongin soal Indonesia kayaknya enak nih hwhwhwhw

Silahkan dibaca,tapi janji jangan ada yang ngambek ya hahehahe^^ Enjoy~
                Em…. Dimulai dari korupsi….. Yap,mungkin sekarang itulah akal dari semua masalah di Indonsia tercinta ini.Coba aja lo perhatiin,banyak banget orang Indonesia yang pinteeeeeerbgt dan punya prestasi gemilang  di internasional, tapi ko Indonesia gakmajumaju ya??? Mungkin ini jawabannya, Cuma  sedikit orang Indonesia pinter yang punya kemampuan leadership yang bagus juga.dapet jabatan tinggi dikit aja langsung disalah gunain………ckck. Kedua, Allah itu Maha Adil, Indonesia dikasih Sumber Daya Alam yang banyaaaaaakbgt,tapi dikasih pemimpin pemimpin yang gak mampu mengurus kekayaan negaranya dengan baik…………hm. Lo bayangin aja, masa’ negara sekaya Indonesia harus ngutang sama negara lain? Dan jumlahnya gak sedikit…..Padahal,kalo aja satu daerah di Indonesia bener bener dikelola dengan baik TANPA KORUPSI,pasti  hutang negara udah kebayar kok.Serius.
                Next, SANG WAKIL RAKYAT. Sebagai wakil rakyat,udah jelas tugasnya mewakili seluruh rakyat Indonesia dong?~_~ Sebagian besar mungkin menjalankan tugas dengan baik,tapi…… ada yang bobo pas sidang loh…………..Se-malas itu kah cerminan Indonesia sampe wakil rakyatnya bobo saat mewakili rakyatnya……….? Kalo iya,aduh…… jadi malu :$ Pokoknya buat om tante wakil rakyat…….. istirahat yang cukup ya^_^ Kalo yang soal nonton video itutuuuuu pas sidang gausah dibahas ya……. pasti semua tau kan x_x
                Lanjut, SANG APARAT HUKUM DAN KEAMANAN. Hai semua ibu bapak polisi di Indonesia~ Salam hormat dari saya^^  Bagi gue sebenernya yang bermasalah dari instansi ini cuma masalah satu :o Transparansi aparat jaman sekarang dipertanyakan (-_-?) Aduh ampun ya………… aku tau kok,ibu bapak gaksemuanya kayak gitu :*
                Mungkin masih banyak yang bisa kita bahas……… tapi udahan yah……….. gamau lebih jauh lagi……….. Atuuuut x_x Dan Karissa Rahma Azzahra mohon maaf sebesar besarnya kalo ada yang gaenak hati dengan post yang satu ini. Aku yakin kok semua komponen Indonesia itu baik :D Dan kita bisa jadi bangsa yang maju! Merdeka! Bersatu teguh bercerai kita…… cari yang baru, esalah maksudnya Bersatu kita teguh,bercerai kita runtuh~ Chao!

Salam  damai,

Karissa Rahma Azzahra J

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Mini Biography Enrique Iglesias

Biography forEnrique Iglesias 

Date of Birth
8 May 1975Madrid, Spain

Birth Name
Enrique Miguel Iglesias Preysler

Super Nova

6' 1½" (1.87 m)

Mini Biography
Enrique Preysler Iglesias was born in Madrid, Spain, to Julio Iglesias and Isabel Preysler. In 1979, his parents marriage was annulled. He was eight years old when he moved to the US, and at the age of 15, secretly began writing music. He studied business administration at Miami University for a year before he dropped out to pursue a music career. Five years later, on September 25, 1995, he released his first album. His second album, which was recorded in Spanish, was released on January 29th, 1997. More great albums followed: "Vivir", "Cosas Del Amor", "Enrique", "Escape" and "Quizas" All together, Enrique has sold over 15 million albums world wide!
IMDb Mini Biography By: StephanieMusica

Trade Mark
Known for the mole he had on his right cheek.

The same writing team that wrote singer Cher's "Believe" wrote his hit "Bailamos.".
Considers himself a songwriter first, and singer second.
Younger brother of Julio Iglesias Jr. and Chabeli Iglesias.
Number #1 Spanish album: Quizas (Latin Billboard Charts)
Has five younger half siblings on his father's side, Miguel, Rodrigo, twins Victoria & Christina and Guillermo. On his mother's side he has two younger half sisters, Tamara Falcó and Ana Boyer.
Appeared on the cover of the Spanish edition of 'Rolling Stone', December 15th, 2002.
Number #3 Spanish Song: "Para Que La Vida" (Latin Billboard Charts).
Number #1 song "Para Que La Vida" on Latin Billboard Music Charts.
Has had 16 number #1 songs.
Is the first Latin artist to have the most #1 singles on Latin Billboard Charts history.
Had a mole on his right cheek removed. [April 2003]
His song "Quizas" ("Maybe") is about his dad, Julio Iglesias.
Quizas received a Latin Grammy nomination for Best Male Pop Vocal Album (2003).
"Be With You" received a Grammy nomination for Best Dance Recording (2001).
Decided to part with his trademark mole after a doctor told him it could become cancerous.
Won The Latin Grammy For "Best Male Pop Vocal Album" [September 3rd, 2003]
His new single, "Addicted," is from his [new] 4th English album titled "7" Enrique's album is due out November 25th, 2003.
Born in Madrid, Spain, but grew up in Miami, Florida.
His song "Addicted" debuted on Casey Kasem's AT40 on November 16th, 2003 at #38.
Song "Addicted" is #37 on Casey Kasem's AT40 [November 23rd, 2003]
His song "Addicted" only went up to #26 on Casey Kasem's American Top 40.
Was Ryan Seacrest's first musical guest on his new show "On-Air with Ryan Seacrest" (2004) on 12 January 2004.
Co-wrote Clay Aiken's song "The Way".
He is half Spaniard and half Filipino.
In Spanish, his song "Bailamos" means "we dance" and "Para Que La Vida" means "why there's life".
Was the executive producer on his albums, Escape, Quizas, and Seven.
His favorite food is Sushi, but he says he's also a big fan of fast food restaurants like McDonalds, Burger King and Taco Bell.
Wrote all the songs on his Escape, Quizas and Seven albums.
When he was about 9 years old, his grandfather was kidnapped but later found safe and well.
Appeared on "On-air with Ryan Seacrest" on 19 May 2004. He was interviewed by a fan of the show named "Super Enrique Fan." He was interviewed before his performance at the Wango Tango Concert held 15 May 2004. He sang "Addicted," "Hero" and "Bailamos."
At the Wango Tango Concert held 15 May 2004. He sang "Addicted," "Hero" and "Bailamos."
August 2004; chosen as a renowned songwriter to sit on the executive committee to choose the Maxell Song of the Year.
15 September 2004: In the 7th Annual In Style Magazine's "What's Hot Now" Poll, he almost beat out Clay Aiken for the title of Sexiest Singer.
Including both his English and Spanish albums, Enrique named his album "Seven" because it was his 7th album all together.
November 2004; Enrique will be on the board of advisory in the project "International Year of Microcredit." The project offers small loans to business people in impoverished countries.
December 2004: His song "Not In Love" was voted #3 Best Dance Track/Song by Billboard Magazine for the year 2004.
2005; Presented the new Viceroy watch collection 'Señas de Identidad' at Munreco Building in Madrid, Spain.
Spokesman for the fragrance 'Blue Star Men' by Tommy Hilfiger. The fragrance line is set to launch Fall 2005 (Beyonce is the spokeswoman for 'Blue Star Women' by Tommy Hilfiger.) [2005]
Has two dogs; Grammy [Golden Retriver] and Lucas [German Shepherd]
His on-screen debut in Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003) was the last footage of him with his trademark mole.
Longtime companion is former tennis pro Anna Kournikova.
Ranked #44 on VH1's 100 Sexiest Artists.
Has one nephew Alejandro, from his sister Chabeli.

Personal Quotes
"If your buying an album because of the face on it, you're stupid."
"I don't consider myself a sex symbol."
"I know it sounds corny, but when you follow your dreams, it happens. And if it's music, take it seriously."
"I don't care what people say. My music's, my music."
"The power of music in Spanish is so strong, that I couldn't stay away from it any longer"
"Touring is my favorite thing to do! I love the adrenaline I feel when I'm on stage and the energy I get from my fans."
"We grow from experience. My music is always changing and in constant evolution. My first album is completely different to the last album. I just follow my own taste on music."
"I like being underestimated. That's what pushes me, drives me to make a great album. I keep having to prove myself. This [music/song writing] is the only thing I know how to do, the only thing I really love."
"What won't change is always striving for that great song and that great album. That's the challenge, that's the fun, and that's what will always drive me."
"The song "Hero" is a very deep and personal song. All my songs I write come from something that's happened to me, in my life or someone I've met. But, I'll never tell what they are about. It's a secret."
"At the end of the day a great melody is great - but the lyrics are what make a song timeless."
"Creating a fragrance will be an exciting way to reach new fans while connecting with those people who already enjoy my music. I have always admired Tommy Hilfiger and am very excited about this new venture with Tommy Hilfiger Toiletries." [Response to his 2005 Fragrance line, 'Blue Star Men']

Where Are They Now
(April 2003) Is working on 2nd English album, due fall 2003.
(September 2003) His new single from his 4th album will be "Addicted". His 4th album is due out November 25th, 2003.
(October 2003) Is filming his [new] video "Addicted" in Los Angeles along side The O.C.'s Misha Barton.
(January 2004) Released "Not In Love" from his album 'Seven'
(January 2004) Plays an evil Roman emperor in a Pepsi ad with Pink, Beyonce Knowles and Britney Spears. The girls star as gladiators while singing to Queen hit "We will rock you".
(March 2004) Is on tour in Australia.
(July 2004) Will not be releasing any more songs/singles from his album "Seven," but is working on his next album.
(February 2005) In the studio working on his 3rd English album.
Via IMDb

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Kali ini gue bakal ngebahas soal svectalucious lagi :D di semester 2, ada beberapa perubahan di svectalucious. Ada yang pindah sekolah dan ada juga yang baru masuk. Sekarang gue mau bahas satu satu soal anak svectalucious.

1. Adelia Teressa
  Anak satu ini pinter banget cuman sayang rada sarap kayak gue. Sahabat gue nomer satu :D Cantik dan sangat lucu. Ahli membuat orang tertawa hanya dengan melihat wajahnya wkwk. Peace nci ^^v

2. Alya Tamira Putri

Orangnya kreatif dan pinter banget. Gue gak terlalu tau soal dia karena gak begitu deket.

3. Asha Khairunnisa

Anak paskib dan taekwondo :D cantik dan baik banget. Bijaksana dan kharismatik. Salah satu sahabat gue :)

4. Azzam Ajriya Shaffa Amalia
Cewek cantik dan chubby. Super unyu 2011. Temen sebangku gue^^ Salah satu sahabat gue juga :D
5. Calvin Diva Aditya 

Jagoan geografi! orangnya baik cuman rada ngeselin, salah satu sasaran ledekan gue -___-v

6. Chairunisa Aliya Amani

Pinternya gak tanggung tanggung .___. baik dan lucu^^ salah satu sahabat gue :D

7. Jazeed Parama Abidin

Ketua kelas baru .__. galak tapi lawak (?) tegas dan lumayan kooperatif. Pinter~

8. Jezia Armynta

Cantik,baik,pinter. Perfect! kalo gue cowok mungkin gue bakalan suka sama dia >_<

9. Karissa Rahma Azzahra

Seorang bocah yang kurang waras.Sahabatnya ubin. Silahkan nilai sendiri.

10. Khairana Ariani Wibowo

Manis, baik, pinter. Kalo ngomong emang dalem -_- tapi dia baik dan salah satu master IPS dikelas~

11. Muhammad Andieka Almas

Pinter, tapi kalo ngomong suka asal nyeplos -__-v agak nyebelin.

12. Muhammad Dimas Alzuura

Cowok yang berambisi menjadi six-pack -__- baik banget sama cewek,tapi ada kekurangannya yang gak mungkin gue kasih tau disini .___.

13. Muhammad Farel Ferian

Englishnya bagus. Nyebelin&Nyolot. Dua kata itu cukup menggambarkan dia.

14. Muhammad Farhan Febrianza

Gue gakberani komentar apa apa soal dia. -______-v

15. Muhammad Haidar

Jagoan fisika di kelas gue (y) Biasa dipanggil 'roy' karena dia nge-fans sama roy suryo -__- kalo ngomong dalem bgt dan sering ngelawak di kelas

16. Muhammad Ihsan Adlirrahman

Baik,cool dan...... ganteng ._. dulu sering pengen bunuh diri karena alasan yang gak jelas, tapi sekarang sih udah janji gabakal gitu lagi :p

17. Nahla Tetrimulya

Baik, cantik dan kreatif. Gue gak terlalu deket sama dia, jadi gak bisa komentar banyak.

18.Naufal Muhammad Ammar

Piluuuuuus!^^ Cowok yang paling sering gue ledekin dan main sama gue. Orangnya baik bgtttt

19. Ratu Tasya Adawiyah
 Anak autis satu ini -__- sedikit tidak waras dan menganggap dirinya keren. Dan dia mantan saya (?) ups keceplosan. wkwk cndbgt

20. Risyad Sutan Brandama

Cool diluar,autis didalam (?). Cowok paling autis di kelas. Cuma jaim aja, apalagi kalo didepan bebeknya wkwkw.

21. Salman Farid L.

Cowok paling baik di kelas gue.Anaknya lucu dan sabar banget.

22. Sarah Nadia Ghalibah

Baik,cantik,dan pinter. Anak cheers dan salah satu anak eksis^^

23. Satria Pratama Ramadhan

 Anak cowok paling jail dikelas. Kadang - kadang bisa diajak kerjasama~

24. Sukma Firdaus

Mirip sama fuad 7D dan punya skill yang sama -__- suka ngelawak dan sering jadi bahan tertawaan di kelas

25. Thania Hanifah Indriati

Cantik,baik,pinter dan rajin. Memelihara bebek dikelas^^

26. Nadia Putri Khairunnisa

Cantik dan pinter. Temen sebangku gue yang super duper autis. Bisa dimanfaatin buat catatan biologi .___.

27. Muhammad Rafi Nabih

Lawak dan agak aneh sebenernya, kalo diabsen atau dipanggil bukannya tunjuk tangan dan nengok malah tengok kanan kiri sambil ngomong "rafi mana?" -__-

28. Nyoman Prayoga

Sering dipanggil 'nyo' wkwk -__-v anaknya lawak,dan ketawanya bisa bikin satu kelas ngakak .__.

Bentar lagi naik kelas,dan......gue gak sanggup pisah sama mereka :'( semoga aja gue bakal sekelas lagi sama mereka pas kelas 8.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Mini Biography Avril Lavigne

Date of Birth
27 September 1984, Belleville, Ontario, Canada

Birth Name
Avril Ramona Lavigne


5' 1" (1.55 m)

Mini Biography
Avril Lavigne was born in Belleville, Ontario, Canada on September 27, 1984. At 16, she moved to Manhattan and began work on her debut album. She dropped out of high school after the 11th grade when she secured a record deal. When Avril was almost 18, she released "Complicated" from her debut album titled: "Let Go," which went 6x platinum. As a petite skater girl from a small town, Avril has shown she is independent, full of confidence and determination, providing a good combination to make "Complicated" and Avril a musical breakthrough. "Complicated" went to number #1 on Billboards Top 100 while also earning her 5 Grammy nominations, MTV music awards, MTV European music awards and many more.
IMDb Mini Biography By: Stephanie Koston

Deryck Whibley (15 July 2006 - 16 November 2010) (divorced)

Trade Mark
Bitter lyrics.
Heavy black eyeliner and eyeshadow
Her pink streak

One of her songs, "Losing Grip", is about an ex-boyfriend.
Won the 'New Artist in a Video' award for her song 'Complicated' at the 2002 VMA.
Parents are Judy & John Lavigne, French-Canadians.
Her first video, "Complicated", cost over $1 million.
Her younger sister, Michelle Lavigne, appeared in her "SK8R BOI" video.
She has a younger sister, Michelle Lavigne, and an older brother, Matthew E. Levine.
Was orginally pursuing a career in country and folk music, but transitioned into "punk-rock" because of its more lucrative possbilities.
Received 5 Grammy nominations, including 1 for best new artist (2003).
Debut album 'Let Go' is 6x platinum.
Dropped out of high school after the 11th grade when she secured a record deal.
Won 3 MTV Asia Awards for favorite female artist, favorite breakthrough artist & style (2003).
Has been nominated for 6 Juno Awards (2003).
Her CD, "Let Go", was the third best selling album of 2002.
Won four Juno Awards: Single of the Year ("Complicated"), Album of the Year ("Let Go"), New Artist of the Year and Pop Album of the Year.
Announced that her song 'Sk8er Boi' will be turned into a movie.
Her second album is titled "Under My Skin," which has gone 2x platinum.
Has a pizza named after her at a restaurant in her home town, Napanee, Ontario.
381,000 copies were sold of her second album "Under My Skin", making it her 2nd #1 album. According to Nielsen SoundScan, it ended the #1 spot eight- week reign of Usher's "Confessions" album. "Under My Skin" album is also #1 in the UK.
Favorite pizza topping is olives.
The song "Slipped Away" on her second album is about the death of her grandfather.
Wrote the song "Breakaway" which was sung by Kelly Clarkson.
Is the second child out of three in her family.
Is good friends with Pink,Vanessa Carlton, and Fefe Dobson.
Nominated for 3 Grammys: Song Of The Year ("I'm With You"), Best Female Pop Vocal Performance ("I'm With You") & Best Female Rock Vocal Performance ("Losing Grip") (2004).
Avril taught herself the guitar at the age of 12.
Won Favorite Female Singer at the 18th Annual Kid's Choice Awards [April 2005].
2005: Won 3 Juno Awards; Fan Choice Award, Artist of the Year, and Pop Album of the Year ("Under My Skin").
Voted #1 in Teen People's Top Hottest 21 Under 21 List [April 30th - May 1st 2005].
She was kind enough to donate many items to Rocky Stone to be given to less fortunate kids as part of the Toy Mountain Campaign 2004.
Decided to perform in Dublin, Ireland the same day her grandfather died. After receiving the news, she knew he would have wanted her to continue on. Although all but breaking down on stage, she continued to perform in his memory.
Became engaged to Deryck Whibley on June 25, 2005.
Writes all of her own songs about her own personal experiences.
Named #36 on the Maxim magazine Hot 100 of 2005 list.
Married Sum 41 lead singer Deryck Whibley on July 15th 2006 in an outdoor, non-denominational ceremony at a private estate in Montecito, California. She wore a Vera Wang gown and held a bouquet of white roses. Their first dance was "Iris" by The Goo Goo Dolls.
The menu plate on her wedding reception read "Avril Whibley", implying that she has assumed husband Deryck Whibley's last name in her private life.
Favorite actor is Tobey Maguire and favorite actress is Sandra Bullock.
Natural hair color is brown.
Owns over a 100 pairs of Converse sneakers.
Ranked #15 on the Maxim magazine Hot 100 of 2007 list.
Ranked #24 on the Maxim magazine Hot 100 of 2008 list.
Spilt from Deryck Whibley in September 2009 and filed for divorce citing "irreconcilable differences" in October 2009.

Personal Quotes
"I liked being a minor because you can't get into trouble. Now I just have to try and behave myself."
"I might look like a tough chick - and I am - but I'm also a hopeless romantic inside."
"Why should I care what other people think of me? I am who I am. And who I wanna be."
"I'd like to be a little more hard-rocking on my next album. But I hate the whole label thing."
People ask me if I regret wasting my last teen years on becoming a singer. You know something? I don't. Because singing is my life. When and if you want something so badly you'll see. I mean, I'm just so blessed to be doing what I love to do and to have been given this opportunity. I thank God because there are so many more talented people out there that will never even come close to getting a record deal.
"To understand me, you have to meet me and be around me. And then only if I'm in a good mood - don't meet me in a bad mood."
"My mom wouldn't let me sing 'Strawberry Wine' because it had 'wine' in it."
"When I was 2 my mom said she knew I was going to be a singer. I've been performing ever since I was a young kid. So I've known I wanted to do this for awhile. I always knew in my heart that I'd be singing."
"I'm just coming out and I'm going to clearly be myself - I write what I feel, I never worry what others think."
I can write a song a day.
"My dream was always to hop up on stage in front of my fans every night and perform."
"Actually, I know for a fact there are some young female artists who don't even sing on their own records and who don't sing live. And that is pathetic." (about lipsynching)

Where Are They Now
(February 2004) Released "Don't Tell Me" from her second album.
(July 2004) Released "My Happy Ending" from her second album.
(October 2004) Released "Nobody's Home" from her second album.
(March 2005) Released the single "He Wasn't" from her 2nd album.
(April 2005) On her "Bonez" tour in Australia and Asia.
(April 2005) Released "Fall to Pieces" from her album "Under My Skin".
(October 2005) Planning her upcoming marriage to Deryck Whibley.
(November 2005) Santa Monica, California.
(March 2007) Released "Girlfriend", her 1st single from her 3rd album, "The Best Damn Thing".
(2009) Appeared in a commercial for "Proactiv" acne skin care.
(February 2009) Released music video "Alice" for Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland (2010).
(2010) Appeared in an infomercial, hosted by Melissa Claire Egan, for "Proactiv Solution" acne medication.
(via The Internet Movie Database) 

for Indonesian Crossbonez , here's the blog


Monday, March 21, 2011

My bad week

Last week wasn’t so good for me :( idk why I cried every night last week -,- umm….. maybe it’s because I’m so freaking badmood  and I felt so tired of this life last week…….and then I realized…….. another reason why I cried is……I’M SCARED.  Yeah, I’m scared of losing you, I’m scared if you don’t love me any more.  So….i’m sorry,I wasn’t good enough for you, but I’ll  always try to be a better girl for you :)

Yeah….. you know I’m addicted……to your smile,your style……….and everything about you :p I feel like the luckiest girl…..cause I have you  :D

Friday, March 4, 2011

Special note.......

Everytime my lips say, “Gosh,that boy is so handsome”.  My heart and my mind say, “I’ve got the most kind, handsome, and cool guy in this world.  And it’s YOU.” The most important thing is……… I LOVE YOU just the way you are and nothing can change it.  So….. believe me, no one can replace you in my life. You’re a part of my life, you’re the words I need to hear to always get me through a day , the face I need to see everyday.   I’m NOTHING without you and I LOVE YOU with every beat of my heart :D
When I’m talking or playing with another guy, doesn’t mean I like him. Only you can make my day bright and colorful. And only you can make me smile inside my heart .  When you smile, I feel like my heartbeat stops for a while cause your smile is my favourite thing ever.
I’m not perfect, and I’m sorry for that :(  But, I always try to be the best for you .  And I never want to hurt you……. Forgive me if I ever do it to you.
This note is dedicated to………… someone special :p
*Please leave comment or critic to improve my english :)